Monday, 9 January 2012

Fuzz, Feedback & NOISE (jer's picks 01/09/12)

I'm going with a theme for this week's post...

Jesus and Mary Chain - Never Understand
One of the most obvious choices for this week's theme is the Jesus and Mary Chain, and while they toned down the noise later on in the band's career, many of the tracks off Psychocandy were just like this one, but this is one of the more feedback-laden numbers on the album:

My Bloody Valentine - Sometimes
Also associated with shoegaze, My Bloody Valentine knew how to make some interesting sounds come out of their guitars and the results are sometimes spectacular, like this song, one of the more popular off the Loveless album:

A Place to Bury Strangers - I Know I'll See You
Following in the footsteps of these older bands is a new-ish band called A Place to Bury Strangers, and this isn't their loudest song, but it's their most popular:

Suicide - Cheree
Another noise band from the early 1980s was Suicide, who, at times, is almost hard to listen to. But there's a certain fascination and beauty I find with their songs, a bleakness that is projected from the heart. This is more of a quiet song but if you want intense, check out Frankie Teardrop, which clocks in at over 10 minutes long. Wow:

The Castaways - Liar Liar
And I'm throwing in this 1960s gem, as certain aspects of the song seem to have influeced some of the above bands. I wonder what people thought of the screaming back then in the song? And just for the record, for the longest time I thought this was sing by a woman...

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